RG3 Watch

Welcome to the official blog for all things Robert Griffin, III: The new, official, quarterback for the Washington Redskins!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

RG3: "I'm In The NFL" Now

After completing his first OTA with his new team yesterday, RG3 says it's feeling like it's official.

"I'm a Redskin now", he told reporters where he talked about practicing with the team's veteran players.

Griffin talks to reporters after Monday's OTA.
Feeling right at home at the Ashburn in-door  practice facility, Griffin said, "When you’re with the vets it’s more, 'I can help this team win,' show them why coach has so much confidence in you," he explained. "It’s a little bit more pressure, but we were working out earlier, and to come out and put helmets on and play football now is pretty simple."

Griffin, also talking to reporters on how well the workout went, said he felt like he "knew what he was doing" out there.

“It was good. The workout was good. I was talking to the guys in the locker room, it felt like I had pretty good command of the offense. I knew what I was doing, knew where to go and I could just play football and let loose.”

As a rookie, Griffin says none of the veterans have implemented any rookie hazing practices, yet. But he's been watching and keeping a close eye.

“Nope, but I am watching", he said. "Nobody has done anything, but I’m definitely keeping an eye out for anything anyone tries to do.”

We're sure RG3 is fast enough and smart enough to break free from any would-be hazing events at the Park.

Now, if the guys unexpectedly have something planned for OFF the field, that would be a whole different kind of rookie hazing to watch out for.

But we're not giving the players any ideas here.
In other Redskins news. You probably heard that coach Mike Shanahan got ran into by a couple players.  
Brandyn Thompson and Pierre Garcon both ran into the coach in 'lights out' fashion, knocking the coach to the ground. No word yet on his status, but that had to have hurt. Thompson, 5'10, 188 pounds; Garcon a stealthy 6'0, 210 pounds pounding into to a little guy like Mike Shanahan?

Can you say, "Ouch"?!
Griffin called his coach "tough". (Like he'd say anything to the contrary).

“He showed some toughness, got up, stuck it out. So that’s the benchmark of our team, you know. But it was pretty scary actually to see two guys running full speed smack dab into your coach. We’re glad he got up, glad he was fine. And hopefully he’s fine tomorrow, because usually hits like that don’t kick in until the next day.”

You hear of players going down, becoming injured before the season even starts, but coaches? Not so much.

But this is Redskin country. Where anything can happen. And usually does.

That's our new Redskin slogan, and we're sticking to (and copyrighting) it.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

RG3 Does the JLS

RG3 stopped by the Jay Leno show this past week to laud military families, talk socks, President Obama, and give a major announcement (now that the ink on the deal has dried).

Video segments: It has to be the socks || To hoop, or not to hoop, with the Commander in Chief || the big 'announcement', and... || The RG3 talents just keep on coming!

This video: More BB, sock talk, and finally, Robert talks the Washington Redskins.

The team begins their OTAs (organized team activities) this week, so keep it here for RG3 updates from Redskins Park - all week long!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The RG3 Trademark Legacy

Have you ever heard that RG3 really doesn't like the 'RG3' moniker, or being called RG3?

If President Obama can change his mind on gay marriage, Robert Griffin, III can change his mind about being called RG3.  Especially if it makes him some loot.  A lot of loot.

The Washington Redskin's new quarterback has decided to trademark all things "RG3", "RGIII,"  "Robert Griffin III," and the term "Unbelievably Believable".

He's even started a business, Thr3escompany, LLC which will start selling RG3 shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, pants, shorts, footwear, hats, caps, and athletic uniforms.

RG3: He's the Starting Quarterback. Period.

And so boys and girls, after all the apparent RG3 bashing going on between lunatics sports radio talk show hosts, they learn what all of us have known from the start: that Robert Griffin, III will be the starting quarterback for the Washington Redskins.

Come on.  You people really needed to debate that, asking silly questions like will the position be given to RG3 or will he have to earn it? 

RG3 doing work at Redskins rookie mini camp last week.
Come on, you haters, (and you know who you are) no team will forfeit two early round draft pics to have a quarterback just sit on the bench and watch.

Robert is talented.  He's smart.  He's athletic.  He's willing to learn.  He politely answers the crazed questions of the media with poise and grace, and you expect him to just sit on the sideline?

In case you haven't heard, even Coach Shanahan has put the naysayers out to pasture when he said definitively, "He's the starter, period".

There you have it. Period.