RG3 Watch

Welcome to the official blog for all things Robert Griffin, III: The new, official, quarterback for the Washington Redskins!

Friday, August 3, 2012

RG3 Graces NoVa Mag

So, just when RG3 tells reporters he's done with all the promotional work: - i.e. advertising, commercials, etc., - what do we find? The anointed one gracing the cover of Northern VA Magazine.

RG3 graces cover of Northern Virginia mag.

Actually, the cover was done well in advance of RG3 stating he's relinquishing the lime light to focus on the 2012 season, but it's worth noting that he's on the cover of one the area's premiere magazines.

The August issue, on stands now, talks about where Robert will buy his first house, and tries to cement Robert's status in our area. In an article titled 'Hail to the Redskins, or to the Chief?', writer Dan Friedell, discusses Griffin's first two months in D.C. as Griffin blurs the lines between quarterback and 'candidate'.

Well Friedell, we'll bet two things:
1) RG3 is the best quarterback this team will ever see (this decade), and
2) RG3 is a good 'candidate' for all things good that's continuing to come his way.

By the way, check out RG3, and the rest of the team, coaches and cheerleaders, this Saturday during the 2012 Redskin Fan Appreciation Day. It promises to be one of the most memorable FADs of our time.

No pun intended.

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