RG3 Watch

Welcome to the official blog for all things Robert Griffin, III: The new, official, quarterback for the Washington Redskins!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

RG3 Gets Accolades From Madden

More accolades are pouring in after RG3's performance last Sunday over the New Orleans Saints where the Redskins defeated the former Super Bowl Champions, 40-32.

Not only has RG3 gained new Twitter followers, he's even gotten the elite of NFL commentators singing praises.  (Even the retired ones).

"This is probably early, too stupid, too soon, but I was watching him and I said, "RGIII is the best player in the NFL."

That comes from former NFL player and ESPN commentator John Madden, who was speaking on a weekly radio show in the Bay area.

RG3 likened to Tim Tebow, per John Madden. 
Unfortunately, he liken Griffin to Tim Tebow.   Tim Tebow?

"You know, the thing that he did that was so amazing was he reminded me -- and I don't mean to throw names around -- but he reminded me of a Tim Tebow that can pass," Madden said, obviously. "You know, Tim Tebow, when he was playing for Denver last year, he would tend to freeze the defenses, because they weren't sure if it was run or pass, if he was gonna hand off or run. I mean, he couldn't pass like RGIII -- [Griffin] can throw the ball -- but he has a tendency to freeze the defense.
"If he fakes inside, you don't want to collapse, because he may keep it and run outside," Madden continued. "And when he runs outside, he may run or he may throw it. And then throughout all that stuff, he didn't have any turnovers. He played a clean game."
What a double edged statement.   Madden said Griffin was the best player in the NFL, yet he likened him to Tim Tebow in passing.


We tweeted RG3 to get his opinion on Madden's comment.   Stay tuned.  In the mean time, check out this Twitter quote...

Shoq Value @Shoq
is just like , except for the fact that he's not annoying and is a brilliant football player.


...Like why is Griffin's salary only a little over $300,000/year; and why was the Heisman award winner chosen #2 instead of #1 in the 2012 NFL Draft?

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