RG3 Watch

Welcome to the official blog for all things Robert Griffin, III: The new, official, quarterback for the Washington Redskins!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Let the Endorsements Begin

Last week Robert Griffin, III inked an endorsement deal making him the new face of the Subway sandwich franchise, as its 'biggest fan'.  Look for Subway print ads in SI and USA Today, coming soon.
Update. The RG3 Subway bust, in all its glory, was unvealed on Monday.  Two things:  We're not seeing a particular likeness, and #2 we're not getting an 'I like it' expression on RG3's (real) face.
More of a 'I'm not feeling this, at all' look. What say you?  But there's this one, too.

Additionally, Subway is set to design an RG3 bust, inspired by its “Smokehouse BBQ Chicken” made famous in Manhattan, New York. We're sure he's working on those Subway commercials right now, even as we're writing this article.

Griffin joins other famous pro athletes on the Subway endorsement train.  Among them the NBA's Blake Griffin, former NFL star Michael Strahan, and Olympic gold winner Michael Phelps.  (I wonder what Jared thinks about being etched out in favor of professional athletes?)
Back to RG3, though. 
Let the shoe endorsement begin.  Adidas has welcomed RG3 to the fold as 'the new face' of their brand. 

In the commercial spot Adidas writes, 'welcome to the family, robert'.  (Yes, in all lower case).


Griffin is also the face of the new Adidas shoe, the adiZero 5 Star.

Says Griffin in the commercial, "The adidas adiZero is a light shoe." Calling it "a great shoe to play football in."

Watch the vid, and those legs, below.

Want more RG3 video?  Click here.  (WaPo has a few good ones).

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